
I am Vijitha Shyam.

I am a women who loves her family as much as her career;  a women who is trying to balance both in a way where everyone is happy; be it her boss or husband or kids. I am an aspiring write and photographer. I also author a food blog by name Spices and Aroma - http://spicesandaroma.in/

I love desserts and craved for them all through the pregnancy. I stopped eating them only after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Kaju Katli is an Indian dessert made with cashews and sugar. Since I craved for them during the first pregnancy, I started calling my son Katli.

Kesar Kulfi is an icecream dessert made with milk, heavy cream and nuts. I was craving for it during my second pregnancy, my husband and I decided to refer the girl as Kulfi.

Katli is my 3 4  year old boy and Kulfi is 8 weeks 14 months old baby girl (as on Feb, 2015. I am the proud mother to two beautiful kids - a boy and a girl. Yes, I got best of both worlds. They are the sweetest blessings in my life. Hence the title of my blog.

I am a molecular biologist and my husband is a hardware engineer. Together we love science, engineering, food, travel and everything in between. We are working professionals who want to spend quality time with our kids. We try our best to avoid television and iPad during weekdays and on weekends, we step out to explore the city. We want to entertain my son by doing art, craft, cooking, baking and science projects at home.  This blog is a place where I plan to document their journey as an explorer and learner.  Here, I will be sharing our story.



  1. Nice :) Would love to see/hear more from you guys. I stumbled upon this blog after following a link from my friend's FB post. Where are you guys based at?

  2. Thanks Anirudh, we live in the South Bay area.

  3. Wow. Love your blog at the first sight. Came here through the SM group on FB. :)


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