Friday, January 3, 2014

Experiment #2: Identifying the difference between floating and sinking objects

Today we are back with second experiment for the kids. 

Kids generally love to play with water. My son enjoys dipping his fingers or splashing it around or clapping inside the water. I wanted to use that interest of my son. We did this experiment for three times. So for the first time we ran the experiment with objects from his toy box, for the second time it was kitchen ingredients like lentils, garlic peel and for the third time, it was leaves, flower petals, stones and twigs. Now he knows that if it's a rock, its heavy and it will sink while garlic or onion peel will float as it is light.

This experiment will form a base for their future grades where they will try to analyze the difference between the objects by concepts of mass, volume, weight and surface area measurements. Do try this fun activity with your kids to build their thinking abilities.

To identify whether a list of objects sink or float in water

Things needed:
  1. Objects from kitchen, toy shelf and outside like parks (lentils, rice, garlic, its peel, onions & its peel, straw, leaves, flower, tiny toys)
  2. A clean plastic tub
  3. Water to fill it
  4. Lots of enthusiasm and encouragement from parents 

  1. Assemble the tub with water in a place convenient for kids to spill and mess around
  2. Gather the objects in a basket. You can ask the kid to identify the object and tell its color as well.
  3. Start by asking the child to guess like what do you think will happen if we drop this object. Let the kid do it and see what happens.
  4. When it sinks, explain to him that it sinks because it is heavy.
  5. When it floats, explain to him that it floats because it is light
  6. Ask him to remember and count the number of objects that float and those that sinks.
  7. Repeat the experiment few more times for him to understand the concept well.

They will love to see difference between floating and sinking objects. They will interact and talk when you ask them questions like what is the color of this object, what is the size of it. It will be a time well spent with the child. You can play around with different objects. My son asked whether he could drop the phone and see what happens. So be prepared for interesting questions.


  1. Nice fun activity. Thanks for sharing!
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